The worlds most comfortable basecamp mat designed for vehicles
special shape with cut-outs for perfect fit in the car
3D construction ensures the biggest possible sleeping surface
giant deflation valve makes deflation easy
MegaMat Auto is specially designed for vehicles. Its shape with cut-outs on the sides makes it the perfect mat for sleeping in the car.
Like the other mats in the MegaMat product line, the MegaMat Auto features a 10 cm of open-cell foam. This not only provides the best sleeping comfort, but also ideal insulation from below. The 3D construction ensures the biggest possible sleeping surface. The soft stretch polyester surface creates a cradling comfort.
The MegaMat Auto has two separate flat valves for quick inflation and deflation. The mat is self-inflating. With the included mini-pump, the desired firmness can be achieved. A nifty Siedwinder Bag makes for quick and easy packing.